Wednesday, March 14, 2018

The Lords Supper Table

The Lord hath made all things. All things are brought to the Lords table. There's sacrifices and offerings. There's dollar bills and debts. There's low class families and else who have made families of there families. There's taxes and debates. There's the old,the young and the middle aged. There's military and those who served. There's global leaders and else too.
Everything is brought to the Lords table. There's celebrities and tax collectors. There's officers and prosecutors. There's bank leaders and business owners. There's war plans and future investments. There's doctors and lawyers. There's highschool students and college students. There's chicken and mashed potatoes. There's criminals and Americas most wanted. There's cows and bulls and else. There's debates and arguments. There's dogs and cats. There's gold and silver. There's steel and aluminum. There's copper and there's plate. There's clothing and shoes. There's life and death. There's homeless and housed. There's airplanes and boats. There's dungeons and prisons. There's few,there's proud and else. There's blood and there's organs. There's love and there's hate. There's states and there is governments. All the lords. All a big supper.

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